Smart Work Management for any kind of business

  • Transparent collaboration
  • Customizable team spaces
  • Smart To Do list & workflows
  • Instant 360° visibility

Designed for the German Energy Industry

  • Fully compatible to PARTIN 1.0
  • Editorial revision of contact data
  • Instant directory updates
  • Optional import of meterpoints

The new collaborative sales platform

  • Advanced Product definitions
  • Complex Pricing models
  • Registration of Contracts
  • After-sales workflows

Innovative Features


Embrace a new standard for collaboration, speed and transparency.


Private, unified, accessible and easy to find - the next step for your communications.


E4 keeps you focused on the most important task; no noise, no overlapping, no unnecessary clicks.

Data Organization/Directory

Neatly organized accounts and contacts that remind you when there's a need for action.

Security & Support

Deeply secured hosting, combined with specialized support and training to keep you worry-free.

Data Analytics

Advanced reporting and data exports made easy.


Hassle and maintenance-free access to all you need for the German Power Market.


Products, prices and contracts - very complex and yet so easy to use, accessible everywhere.

Contact Us